Rudy Canoza
2021-10-26 16:41:07 UTC
How the Republican Party became the Anti-American
The Trump years revealed a dark truth: The Republican Party is no longer
committed to democracy. These charts tell the story.
Chart #2 is extremely revealing: the percentage of Republiscums/QAnon who
believe political violence is justified if they don't get their way is more than
*twice* the percentage of Democrats who believe that.
"How Republicans went from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump, in 13
maps" (2016)
Donald J. Trump has won the presidency of the United States, due to strong
support among white voters. This is a remarkable turn of events, and it only
gets more remarkable when you think back to how the Republican Party began
its existence: fighting against the expansion of slavery.
Today, the Republiscum/QAnon party is nothing but a white grievance party.
That's it — the party stands for nothing else.