Lesbian and trans woman beaten by group of men in Miami, video shows
(too old to reply)
2023-12-16 09:29:13 UTC
At least two LGBTQ women were beaten by a group of men in Miami, video
exclusively obtained by NBC South Florida shows, in what police say they
are investigating as a possible hate crime.

The incident took place in Miami’s Wynwood neighborhood — known worldwide
for its art galleries and colorful street murals — on Nov. 26, according
to NBC South Florida, which obtained footage of the encounter from one of
the victims this week.

The video shows multiple men attacking the women and their male friend,
who reportedly tried to intervene. The victims can be heard pleading with
their attackers to stop and saying that they’ve already called the police.

“This group of guys, basically, they just started screaming stuff at us,
anti-lesbian comments, like, ‘You’re only lesbians because you haven’t
received actual,’ and he used a profanity word” one of the victims, who
asked that her name not be published due to fear of retaliation from her
attackers, told NBC South Florida in a video interview.

The victim said she was punched in the face three times and may need
surgery as a result.

One of the other victims, who asked that her name not be published for the
same reason as her friend, said she was beaten until she lost

“I definitely felt targeted for sure; I mean they were definitely trying
to hate on the fact that we were gay,” she said in a video interview. “I
don’t understand to this day why.”

A spokesperson for the Miami Police Department told NBC News that the
department is investigating the incident as a possible hate crime.

“We are actively working on the case. Like any investigation, we have to
dot the I’s and cross the T’s,” the spokesperson said in a statement. “We
are working with our LGBTQ+ liaison and [State Attorney’s Office] hate
crime task force. We have to make sure we have everything lined up before
we initiate our arrest(s).”

The spokesperson also confirmed in an email to NBC News that no arrests
have been made.

“It’s very concerning to see that they are still out and about and free
and nothing has happened to them yet,” the woman who said she was beaten
unconscious said.

D. Ray
2023-12-19 05:21:48 UTC
Post by useapen
At least two LGBTQ women were beaten by a group of men in Miami, video
exclusively obtained by NBC South Florida shows, in what police say they
are investigating as a possible hate crime.
Black shit beating the shit out of gay shit. Lol.
Post by useapen
The spokesperson also confirmed in an email to NBC News that no arrests
have been made.
And no arrests will be made. Sorry, faggots, niggers are “more oppressed”
than you, and thus are above you in hierarchy of Weimerica. Note that it
was described as *possible* hate crime. If those were White people kicking
your ass, it would be different, of course.
social justice
2023-12-19 06:14:20 UTC
Post by D. Ray
Post by useapen
At least two LGBTQ women were beaten by a group of men in Miami, video
exclusively obtained by NBC South Florida shows, in what police say they
are investigating as a possible hate crime.
Black shit beating the shit out of gay shit. Lol.
That IS funny.
Post by D. Ray
Post by useapen
The spokesperson also confirmed in an email to NBC News that no arrests
have been made.
And no arrests will be made. Sorry, faggots, niggers are “more
Post by D. Ray
than you, and thus are above you in hierarchy of Weimerica. Note that it
was described as *possible* hate crime. If those were White people kicking
your ass, it would be different, of course.
Yes, those terrible white homophobes are always beating up the
weaker underprivileged gay people of colour.
